As a single man, I always found it objectionable to wear socks. Who needs another item to wash?
Tomorrow, I am expecting the coldest day in Catemaco, Veracruz in the three plus years that I have been here. And my partner managed to borrow one of the only 2 pairs of socks that I guard for occasions when I want to impress people.
13 degrees Celsius, (55 f) is expected to be on the thermometer. My fair weather friend, who is in the process of buying a piece of beautiful Catemaco, is probably laughing hysterically over my predicament. His latest email included a weather report from Boston, USA, which showed something like 55 f degrees below O.
Nevertheless, all windows are closed, blankets, I did not even know existed, are piled on the beds, the dog is hiding in the closet, and my partner is going crazy. She boiled hot stuff 4 times so far today. They say, blood thins in the tropics and tolerates less cold. The corrective action, I understand, is to fortify the blood with a little tequila.
Now the question is, will I appear ridiculous walking to the local liquoreria wearing socks inside my flip-flops?