Running your hands across the sweet skin of your partner is one of the pleasures of a communal relationship.
Running your hand across a bunch of slightly infected bumps is another story. Pinolillos (seed ticks) are a menace in Los Tuxtlas. These tiny seed ticks own pastures and every cow that walks them. AND, unfortunately, they will attack most humans that walk the pastures, ususually within their underwear. AND, even more unfortunate, it is hard to avoid pastures when walking across country.
I have had some success with "DEEP WOODS OFF" and would recommend that product to anyone visiting mother nature beyond beautiful downtown Catemaco. Meanwhile, after the above precaution, the next best thing is a mutual thorough scrub in the shower after a walk on the wild side, while scraping off these tiny monsters with your fingernails.
If these minute little buggers have a chance to grow inside the skin they can produce some serious boils. Generally, they are not known to to transmit any particular disease, except for a damn itch.