Jul 10, 2006

Catemaco Memelas

Memelas are giant soft tortillas, covered with anything found in a Mexican kitchen, then doubled up - and enjoyed.

For one reason or another Los Tuxtlas are famous for their memelas. I have no idea why.

Nevertheless, if you want to eat a memela in Los Tuxtlas, you must stop at La Encantada “Restaurant”, recently relocated to the left of the end of the beautiful downtown Catemaco, Veracruz to San Andres Tuxtla highway.

Personally, aside from cheap and good, their memelas are no different from many other memelerias. But for possibly a good reason - most local folks frequent the place.

The most memorable memela that I ever partially ate was on the outskirts of Covarrubias (south of Catemaco, at Tia Mari’s), who served me a memela the size of my spare tire with a fitting beefsteak and on which I and my dog chewed for two days.

Generally Tuxtlas memelas, as opposed to Oaxaca memelas are covered with meat, -barbecued, roasted, fried, or whatever is current that particular day. The underlying double strength tortilla is naturally handmade because there are no presses to do the job that is done on most tortillas in Mexico.

The stuff on top is whatever, same as the sauces.


PS . At La Encantada - try the memela barbacoa