Jun 22, 2007

Catemaco Olmec Art

This certainly looks like Mayan or Olmec art.
Actually my neighbors kid did the outline to promote the local hop, skip & jump routine.
Or maybe it was just another neighborhoods kid scribbling on stone with a hammer and chisel, or maybe one of his country cousins trying to sell museum quality pieces to supposedly “rich” but not stupid Catemaco gringos at New York art gallery prices.
Picking up a little archaeological gift is easy in Mexico. Most any farmer plowing his land will find small ornaments. The bigger good stuff has already mostly been stolen and resides in foreign Museums.
But if you like, I will sell you a properly aged copy of an original piece at substantially less than what all those original art galleries charge.
Custom antique pieces will be charged extra, especially if you want something certifiably George Bush from the 8th century BC.