Aug 24, 2009

Dying to Visit Catemaco?

We went to visit my Popoluca's father on his first anniversary in the local cemetery.
While there I kicked a few rocks at my first local friend and a number of acquaintances I have known here during the last 7 years.

Aside from a few dozen fellow warriors I have never known so many dead people in my life. Life expectancy in Mexico stands at an average of 76.2 years, which is pretty amazing when compared to the 78.2 years in the US with its vaunted marvels of scientific medicine. So, perhaps it is just that I associate with people that die quicker in beautiful downtown Catemaco.

My Popoluca suggests that I should embroider my golf shirts with a warning message. Danger: Proximity may result in premature death.

Come see a video of the Panteón (cemetery)