Nov 26, 2008

Catemaco Toilet Training

After living in Catemaco more than 6 years, and several houses later, my Popoluca finally put her foot down and demanded I abide by the toilet customs of Catemaco and most other provincial burgs in Mexico.

Namely, I now wipe my behind with tissue in my right hand, then bring the tissue into vision and carefully, with both hands, fold the brown missile and dump it into a container on the side of the toilet.

This supposedly will stop my plumber from making his frequent visits to clean out our sewage pipes. This plumber, whom I have affectionately renamed Don Fuga (Mr. Leak) claims that pipe cleaning is the source for his fortune which now includes a motor bike.

Most local houses have at least one, and usually more concrete clean out stations, and the game usually is to find out which one is stuffed.

Surprisingly it seems most Mexicans understand that when a large container sits along a toilet, it is the equivalent of a "NO FLUSH THE PAPER" command, and an acknowledgement of the shortcomings of the local septic system.

Not surprisingly, this pinche foreigner does not understand why after happily flushing for 6 years in other parts of Mexico, he has to learn new tricks.


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