Apr 16, 2009


I've been checking some statistics of beautiful downtown Catemaco and am thinking of changing my favorite phrase to "depressing downtown Catemaco".

On a financial health scale, Catemaco ranks right in the middle of 2458 Mexican municipios at 1303.

Of a total population of  46,702, 9,441 are illiterate and 20,037 adults did not complete primary education
1,206 have no toilets, 2,709 lack electricity. 4,030 have no piped in water. 21,519  live in overcrowded houses and 5,668 live on dirt floors.
32,172 (69%) make less than 2 minimum wages (US$7.50 in 2009).
and 100% cannot drink tap water.

Expenditures for 2008 were app. 73.8 million pesos, about 1,580 pesos per person (US$120 in 2009).
Of course figures for income per capita or total tax revenue is a federal government top secret.

The figures are from 2005 and you can look up your own favorite location at CONAPO.

Meanwhile this time of year "gorgeous downtown Catemaco" is in full bloom, and even broom sticks are flowering.


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