Feb 4, 2009

Catemaco Handicap

Beautiful downtown Catemaco, and probably the rest of Mexico, only pays lip service to the requirements of handicapped people.

Instead, regularly, like clock work, yearly articles show up portraying local political figures graciously handing out crutches, wheelchairs, etc. to some who need them. And they are all obligated to smile!
Generally, the funding for these "gifts" comes from state social services, but they are rarely around for photo opportunities unless it involves a few thousand marriage licenses.
Walking around here, or most anywhere, sooner or later requires crutches. Sidewalks, called "banquetas" in Spanish frequently are below the curb, decorated with fruit or shoe vendors and are very rarely clear to take a paseo (walk) without challenging vehicular traffic.

That's why Mexico streets are so picturesque!


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