Feb 27, 2009

Catemaco Road Signs

A curious aspect of road signage in Catemaco and possibly the rest of  Veracruz, Mexico is the proliferation of directional road signs. They are usually placed where noone would either need or heed them, and are apparently placed at the whim of a political contributor to the local governor, or often, by someone who believes in mind reading.

A left turn arrow will usually direct you to a dirt road  that in retrospect was not where you wanted to go. The sign you read, usually presumes that you know where there is an actual turnoff, usually a block or a road further on. If you have traveled in Mexico, I am sure that you took many right turns into corn patches before your intended road.

While traveling in the US, I frequently shot photos of my companions, usually my kds, crossing a state line.

Here in Los Tuxtlas, there are giant signs across the highway placed wherever someone decided to anounce something like:  "Bienvenidos a Catemaco".  The reverse side usually says something like "Thanks for visiting Catemaco"  in Spanish.

A few miles further on you will find the same sign for the next municipio (county/city). Apparently the area between these signs is a no man's land inhabited by illiterate savages.

The concept of county line, apparently, is a nonsequitur in  Spanish. Or more probably signage is a political award to fund some creative enterprises in doubling expenses..

Photo is of a neighboring county's sign after a rainstorm


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