Jan 15, 2010

Catemaco Construction

How much does it cost to build there? has been a popular question since I became an internet "savant". The answer is as open ended here as well as in the States or anywhere else, and depends on location, type of construction, quality, design, currency fluctuation and personal whims. In another life, 30 years ago, I built homes in Florida for 20 bucks a foot, including wall to wall carpeting and a 2 car garage. Here I have about 3 million pesos of  construction experience ranging from roads, walls and remodeling to ground up construction.

This week I began to trim out an unfinished 1 bedroom apartment inside a future 5 level home on a hillside, on and, overlooking the Laguna outside of beautiful downtown Catemaco. Mexico is concrete happy and I go along. Walls will be cement stucco and kitchen counters will be poured concrete, supported by concrete blocks.

Come back next week for some material and labor costs.

Answer to a question: The back walls are retaining walls built of solid rock because the house is build on a sloping hill. That is also why the columns are so big, and also, because there are wide spans above the mother in law apartment.