Apr 21, 2006

Catemaco Art

Most touristic places have a gallery or two stuck away in an alley or on a hill, but beautiful downtown Catemaco apparently prefers to serve its art with "Made in China" stickers.
The last known artist in Catemaco, a wonderful fellow named Hector, who made many of the molds for Nanciyaga, fled the city for Montepio more than a year ago.
I know art or beauty lies in the eye of the beholder, and my friend Art weighs more than 200 pounds. Nevertheless, Catemaco is dying for an art colony specializing in mysticism.
Ok, so they won´t sell anything to the mostly cheap tourists that come here. Yet, they would add a cultural dimension to beautiful downtown Catemaco that is missing at present.

If they can sell the above "thing" on the internet, then there is definitely some room for "art" in Catemaco. Now! Would you pay US 139.95 plus shipping for the above view? If not - how about US 39.99? (search for Catemaco in Google purchases).