Apr 29, 2006

Catemaco boycott

Mexico mistreats its Central & South American migrants more harshly than anything the US "Migra" ever considered.

Mexico for the past 100´s of years consistently has kissed the behind of its oligarchy monopoly of politics, economy and society to the detriment of the majority of its population living in abject poverty. Mexico abets the export of many of its people to the US to avoid facing the reality that its government in truth cannot serve its people. Mexico hungers for every dollar that its expatriates return to Mexico to sustain a dysfunctional economy with less growth than most third world countries.

SO NOW Mexico sides with the ongoing boycott of American products to protest proposed US immigration reforms.

Well, this week I will hold my own boycott in beautiful downtown Catemaco.


No more enchiladas, coctel de tegogolos, turnedos Azteca, mojarras a la Veracruzana, memelas, or tacos de nopal.

Instead I will eat only pizza, pasta and anything else Italian. Unfortunately that is my only non-Mexican choice in beautiful downtown Catemaco. But I hear an Argentian steak house will open soon in San Andres Tuxtla.