Apr 21, 2006

Catemaco dog tale

Here in beautiful downtown Catemaco hundreds of dogs wander the streets: big ones, little ones, pretty ones, ugly ones, hairless ones and ---- tail less ones?

A curious adjunct to the local macho culture is the cutting off a puppy´s tail if the dog is too aggressive.

As part of the package of changing into a new rental home, I was offered the dog. I took the offer to provide a playmate for my Pinche Perra. (another Catemaco street dog that managed to find a "rich" gringo. She naturally has chewed up his ears to demonstrate who is boss around here. So now the poor dog misses a tail and Pinche Perra is working on his ears. I´m about ready to tie spurs to their front paws and shout "Ole".

Meanwhile I wonder about what I could cut off the next person I catch doing a chop job on a male dog. Any suggestions?