How the hell do you tell your partner to dump a starved, mauled puppy on mother´s day in beautiful downtown Catemaco?
Easy! You shut up and add an extra mouth to your dog biscuit bill, and hope your friends pick up the discount variety stuff at Sam´s Club in Veracruz.
This is going too far. I already am the sole local sponsor of a local human orphanage. Unwed mothers are rattling my doors. My partner regularly doles out monies to people unable to buy medications on the vaunted Mexican Social Security plan.
And hundreds of dogs roam Catemaco streets. Everybody has a dog, or maybe five. And most owners live in hovels barely large enough to house two human adults. And most of the limping, scurvied, ragtailed, flea bearers roam at will, adding their feces to to what is already a rather unsanitary Laguna Catemaco shore line.
Catemaco desperatly needs more Gringos to move here and adopt dogs. If the Mexican government were in accord with its canine constituents, the time and money consuming visa requirements for Gringos would be waived for anyone willing to "adopt a mutt".
That would be a humane solution and would help alleviate the immigration problem of Gringos illegally crossing the Mexican border and clandestinely owning mutts rightfully belonging to the Mexican national patrimony.